We are ranked No.1 in Cornwall with the largest team in the South West.

PAT Testing is all about Risk Assessment

Your PAT Testing does not necessarily have to be carried out every year. Any other company that says annual PAT Testing is mandatory is deceiving you.

The safety of you, your staff and the public should be assessed by a full Risk Assessment. Our expert engineers can guide you to produce a unique document for your business. We can carry out and produce the Risk Assessment for your Portable Electrical Equipment.

With years of experience, we can guide you through the PAT Testing process. We will not test unnecessarily and will advise you the most appropriate retest schedule. This will ensure that we are not wasting time, and you are not wasting money.

Our aim is to improve the standard of PAT Testing across Cornwall and stop businesses wasting money.

Contact us to discuss your details as every business, premises, and workforce is different

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